Ground Zero

Exile In Chapters

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

On Divine Right and Being Right

What does actual Divine Right mean? Look like? Who has it and how did they get it?

Very good question when you have a whole group of people who have somehow developed an opinion of themselves as being more intelligent than the rest of us poor sods (religious zealots and mostly dark skinned people) i.e. the Americans, Europeans, White People, Those people. Those people are indeed a fabulous bunch of individuals overall and have invented things, have developed well oiled machinery called "societies" and overall, have much better hygeine than the oppressed and impoverished are able to enjoy. It isn't hard to imagine how "they" got the idea in their head that they were somehow a "superior race". To make matters worse, some of the best people in those same social frameworks do have a sense of morality, ethics and global citizenship.

But.....are they capable of leading this often cited term: The New World Order? Who selected them to do this?

Darwin? Um...they (even the good members of Western society subconsciously believe this (i.e. the Myth of Natural Selection in which nature plays the role of God/Allah and is quite cruel and unthinking) and their efforts (good and bad) they attribute to their highly developed sense of their own goodness aka superiority i.e. it is in their collective conscious and cannot be ignored) seem to think so even though Darwin was simply a man with an opinion. Just an ordinary person with a partially good idea and it was partial. He knew nothing of genetics or the fact that genetics dictate not only adaptation but they pre-empt claims to actual "evolution". There is no such thing as evolution because if there was such a thing it would "pre-exist" in DNA and be empirically observable as "remnants" of the "revision" (known as evolutions).

So who gets Divine Right and how does one know what that actually looks like? History tells us that there have been numerous such claims to "Divine Right". To this day, a monarch sits in Buckingham Palace yet we ignore it as just the fantasy of the nostalgic British. And they pay dearly (in cold hard cash) to support this thing called Divine Right. Suffice it to say, with a history so full of such claimants to the "prize" called Divine Right, it is nearly impossible for a non-muslim individual to actually begin to understand the actual possessor of Divine Right and what that entails. This is largely due to the abuse of "Divine Right" as a man-made type of thing called monarchy, aristocracy, plutocracy, etc.

Of course, I am talking about the Ruler of the worlds and what has become to be known as that Ruler's "emmisaries". Let's call those people prophets instead of kings noting that in some circles the terms are interchangable (i.e. the Christians refer to Jesus Christ (SA) as "The King of Peace"). I assure you though that he was not a King, he was a prophet. And if you will, let us call the Divine Ruler Allah and imagine Allah to sit upon this much scoffed at "eternal throne" (per his own description of his status). "His" is used for lack of a better word to indicate the antecedent but note, Allah is 'gender free' and we do not have words to express the actual characteristics of the Creator.

I would like to interject here, my opinion about myself (as a model of a believer/fanatic/whatever) and evaluate that opinion in terms of what I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, is the belief "non believers" have about us Religious Zealots (of whatever persuasion). Yes....we or at least I, am well aware that to most people I appear to have no clue as to what their opinion is of me. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I know exactly what they think. It is they who do not know what I think. That makes me a teacher of relatively ignorant students. As a teacher or lets be semantic about it, a "professor" (in the land where teaching is not indoctrination but actual professing to believe in something). What good would it be to have teacher who does not actually believe in what they are teaching? Rest assured however that I completely understand how "out there" my opinions must seem to those who live in ignorance of actual religion, monotheism and specifically, Islam. I've suffered much derision due to the ignorance of others and muslims have shed blood because it. It is OUR clear reality even if it is not clear to nonmuslims.

Islam is the final part of the trilogy and the last word. There is no other sacred text in which the Creator ever said "I'm done now" except for the Quran. There could be any number of sacred texts (from the Vedas to the I Ching) but not a single one of them reveals that the author was in fact finished. Only the Quran says this and only the last prophet said that he himself was to be the last prophet ever designated to such a lofty HUMAN post.

Where does that leave the rest however? The Christians, the Jews, the Pagans, etc?

Not really my problem to be honest but to be fair, I do not envy them in their position. As for most "new" Christian sects like the Amish and Mormons, they actually follow a sacred text (the Old Testament) that they have adapted to fit their own ends. This fact is clear upon reading those texts like "The Book of Mormon" written by John Smith, the progenitor of the sect called Mormon. Therefore, these are merely more sects developed from the Christian sect where the Christian sect itself was not "authorized" either as a "distinct" religion from the one religion/philosophy of the creator (Islam, Hanifism, Monotheism rooted in the Abrahamic/Noahide traditions which are in turn sprouts from the most basic of ancestors (all human beings), the religion taught to Adam and Eve by the Creator before the "fall" into this curious reality we call life. Life which is a suspended state of being in which light and time form a construct that is visible to the given human senses (five).

Recently I was in conversation with an extremely intelligent man. Not really what you'd call a "fanatical" muslim...more what "one of you" would call, a "moderate". He was attempting to relate to me that he believes all other religions deserve to be heard, tolerated, etc. I looked at him and said, "But we are right Mohamed." He appeared to be quite shocked at this. How on earth could a muslim say such a thing? Yet....he knew I was right. We have (as muslims) a really rough road to traipse in this matter. How do you deal with the ignorant without alienating them to the cause?

We can't. It is as simple as that and a "fanatic" (me) has to choose one thing or the other: Go along with what non muslims say (and further their ignorance via failure to address their misconceptions) or stand up to it and refuse to back down.

In other words, INSIST that we are right. Afterall, no one ever won a battle by insisting that they were wrong you know. And there is a battle going on in the world whether "you" like it or not. "You" being anything from a good Catholic to a staunch ideological Athiest. Anything from the nicest of persons to the vilest of criminals. "You" are all in the same boat it seems. Perhaps that is why the Quran harps on about the "Ark" of Noah (Nuh, SA). You are either on this boat or you are is a "you are with us or against us" type of thing.

It is however not a secret to muslims be they like me (a so-called 'fanatic') or like him (Mohamed, a so-called 'moderate')...that there is "no coercion" in religion. There just isn't and there is no such thing as a man made "Divine Right". It is, IN FACT, a contradiction of terms. Divine Right IS DIVINE. It isn't man made and it cannot be stolen nor can it be claimed as a prize or as booty of war. It is designated and owned by the Divine Ruler and the authority stemming from it is bequeathed by that ruler whom we muslims call "Allah" (because Allah told us Allah's name) and most other people call "God". Ironically, even the Divine Right itself is non-negotiable to those in possession of it. In other words, those who received it didn't ask for it but they knew they had a duty to protect it. They are known as the Shi'i and specifically, the Twelve designated custodians of the Quran and its historical contexts and tangents. They are basically long dead scholars.

Back to history though because we are making it. Humans tend to view history as a paradigm but not one that they have anything to do with. As if they are not themselves constructing their own parables of existence that might one day in the distant future be read as cautionary tales or as educational texts on "how not to repeat" history itself. This is no doubt why we muslims were instructed to worship Allah as if Allah is very near. Not inside but not outside either. We are taught to observe Allah by observing Allah's rules, the wonder of creation (as Allah's "manifestations" and the only way to "see" Allah is via his creation) and to never let our guard down. Not for one minute. And that is exactly what non muslims (and a large number of muslims too) are guilty of. Letting their guard down. Allowing themselves to construct fallacies and fantasies. Allowing themselves to take this world for "granted". Allowing ourselves to enjoy riches while so many are enjoying immense poverty, frustration, oppression and despair. And mind you, no muslim will tell you that we can eradicate those problems because we know that those problems are man made, not heaven sent. The only problems that are heaven sent are natural disasters and that is why EVEN insurance companies oftentimes do not cover what they call "Acts of God" i.e. it is an actual legal term (which reflect actual "divine" law and its consequences). These events are "sent" via the outcomes of the design itself and known/described by the designer due to his (Allah's) relationship to his own creation. Say this to a non believer however and they'll swear you are insane. They are so out of touch but I guess now that Global Warming is indeed upon us they better get on the ball and figure out that it does no one any good if only North America and Europe practice better environmental hygeine.

Non muslims, generally speaking, have grown so incompetent in these details that they don't even realize how much a part of their everyday lives the "language" of Allah actually is. And it is. Because the laws of Allah are naturally derivitives of the creation itself. How on earth do non muslims think it can be otherwise? I mean it is understandable that Athiest don't "get it" but how is it that humans who "say" they believe in "God" cannot recognize that there is only one Creator (if there were "many" then they would be at war with one another ala the Greek sanctimonies). Therefore, that one Creator only has one philosophy and it saturates everything that (sic) was created. The laws of that creation are both unwritten and written and are exactly IDENTICAL to one another. This is why there are "good people" in the world who are not anything close to being muslim and in fact, some Athiests are mighty damn fine people. "They" heard or understood the quality of the creation that is unwritten and silently agreed upon by every living soul. Every single one as much as evil is agreed upon by those whose inner inclinations are "towards" goodness or "towards" evil. A natural polarity and a kind of quarantine that separates the good from the evil people in the world.

What people (all of them) don't agree upon is Divine Right. Geez, most kids don't even listen to their parents anymore let alone "God". Even those who agree on what constitutes an "evil" act or a good one do not realize that they actually believe themselves to somehow be in possession of Divine Guidance merely because they don't murder, rape, pillage, smoke, drink, cuss, pick their nose or some other variable measure of "human goodness".

They could not be more wrong. Divine Right and the Right to be Right is assigned to certain people. It was given to them long ago. It is an actual human history and it is the underlying cause of ALL wars be they in Afghanistan or in Argentina. Be they wars of Social Democrats against Right Wingnut Fascists. Be they wars within an individual's mind.

Allah's statement about the whole issue and ruling is simply this:

"You" (the reader) will follow me WILLINGLY or UNWILLINGLY. In reality, we muslims have nothing to do with forcing anyone into our way of life or thinking. We muslims are simply people who do it (worship Allah) willingly. Non muslims are those who do it unwillingly but they do it all the same. How so? Via the consequences which do not vary and they do not comprehend our labels because they are "consequences" and not people. Consequences do not selectively choose not to punish muslims either. There is no 'get out of jail free card' to be had by anyone. The Quran points this out quite clearly when it says, "Do not look for ONE catastrophe, look for MANY". The "good old days" when Allah used to select one "model" community to make a point (and evacuate the virtuous prior to the catastrophe) are long over. Allah had the last session and it is called the Quran and it does not pretend to be "otherwise". It does not pretend to be "in competition" with any other 'philosophical' method. Imagine Allah debating with himself about his treatise on Buddhism. That would be not only ridiculous but outrageous. Even more outrageous than a man who is God questioning his own self when he was being crucified by saying, "Father, why have you forsaken me?" How on earth could "God" forsake himself? Ought to be obvious but amazingly enough...there are more Catholics and Christians than muslims to this day.

To make a long essay longer, to get to the point now. When Allah made his last proclamations, selected his last emmissary to the planet...he did one more thing.

He appointed a person who was to lead the religion until the end of "our" paradigm.

He chose an Imam at a place called Ghadeer and then said, "Now, I have perfected your religion for you." What did he mean? Did he mean he only perfected "Islam"?

Absolutely not. "Perfection" is not a quality of "parts". It is a quality that can only be assigned to a "whole". He perfected the whole darn process right down to the last detail of removing the "wild cards" called "prophets" and instead, appointed a human being to be the arbiter of a relatively unwieldy thing: the future of mankind without giving him the "wild card" which is the ability to defy logic by predicting the future and the ability to perform miracles. Allah clarified everything (in the Quran) that came before from the Vedas to Las Caux all the way into the future to include the last map of the genome because naturally, Allah knows all about this and all about the future. Furthermore, Allah stated that clearly when Allah openly related that the Quran would not be followed by anything else. It would suffice for the entire future i.e. for "all time". I have little doubt (none really) that in the future, the FUTURE, will prove to be even more detectable in the Quran than it already is. We just don't know it yet because we have more things about our planet yet to discover. About ourselves and about the cost of the shattering changes that are upon us all right now. And they are. They most definitely are.

And what else would you think a "Divine Right" is supposed to be about? It isn't about oil companies or Uninted Nations courtrooms. It is about mankind itself and how to recognize FACT from FICTION.

And this is the Key to Iraq.

And yes, this is all far worse than Vietnam. It is worse than twenty thousand such things.

A few things about the Sermon of Ghadeer in which actual Divine Right was established:


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