Ground Zero

Exile In Chapters

Monday, March 12, 2007

Are Gender Problems
Getting You Down?

An article regarding the creation of males, females and a very common genetic disorder in both sexes (Turner's Syndrom (1 in 5000 human births) and Klinefelter's (1 in 700 births))socialization, hormone replacement therapy, transexualism, etc.

From the article:

Another case is that of a well known Olympic figure. He wrote of his story in 1988.42 Erika Schinegger won the Olympic gold medal for Austria for women's downhill skiing in 1966. After the win she was given a sex test and declared unequivocally XY. When told of the test findings she immediately transitioned to living as Erik, a male. Erik said he never truly felt he was a typical girl. He had never been interested in romantic boy friends and was always more attracted to women. As Erika, however, she just thought that was her lot in life. I've interviewed Erik and one of his physicians. None of the physicians she had been seen by previously wanted to tell her of the mistake for fear it would be too psychologically damaging. Switching sex never occurred to her until the condition and situation was revealed. Follow up showed that she was born in a small town, delivered by a midwife, and pronounced a girl due to a severe hypospadic condition. When she was made aware of the situation her transformation to male living was rapid. The hypospadic condition was repaired and her psychological adjustment to the change was appropriate. Erik is now a married ski instructor.

From the Qur'an, 42:49-50, the Counsel:

Allah's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth
He creates what he pleases
He grants to whom he pleases daughters and grants
to whom he pleases sons,
Or, He makes them of BOTH sorts, male and female
AND He makes whom he pleases barren
Surely He is the Knowing Powerful

***Fertility in males with Klinefelter's cannot be improved with testosterone therapy but enlarged breast size can be influenced with testosterone therapy in Klinefelter's males as well as an increased sense of "well being". Additionally, the type of Klinefelter's in which there is more than one X chromosome, there is an increased possibility for criminality which might be influenced with early recognition and hormone replacement therapy.

***Fertility in females with "monosomy" type Turner's syndrome is absent but females with "mosaic" type Turner's syndrome are usually fertile.


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